Dynamic Neon Arrows Pack – Motionarray 1387358

Product Dynamic Neon Arrows Pack
Link https://motionarray.com/davinci-resolve-templates/dynamic-neon-arrows-pack-1387358/
Author motion-ae
Software Resolve 17
Resolution 1920×1080 (HD)
Plug-Ins No Plug-Ins
File Name dynamic-neon-arrows-pack-1387358.zip
File Size 878.48 MB
Music Sport
Link https://motionarray.com/royalty-free-music/sport-38523/

Neon Arrow Pack is an Davinci Resolve template that contains 20 scenes of neon arrows. Each arrow has its own color controller that you can adjust and modify to your liking. You can use them to highlight the important information in your TV shows, workout tutorials, cartoons, commercials, promotions and event videos. Download it today! No plugins are required.

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