Titles Locations Cities of the World for Davinci Resolve. – Videohive 56643223
Product | Titles Locations Cities of the World for Davinci Resolve. |
Url | https://videohive.net/item/titles-locations-cities-of-the-world-for-davinci-resolve/56643223 |
Author | rudenkoinna668 |
File Name | VH 56643223 |
Length | 1:00 |
AudioJungle Items | 52545797 |
DaVinci Resolve Version | DaVinci Resolve 19 |
File Size | 487KB |
Resolution | 3840×2160 |
Files Included | DaVinci Resolve Macros |
Media Placeholders | 10 |
Text Placeholders | 27 |
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