Typography Titles V2 – MotionArray 1107649
Resolve 17
3840×2160 (4K)
This 12 modern, interestingly animated dynamic text title for DaVinci Resolve with a clean and readable design includes a legendary free font that can be changed. The project is easy to customize, you can edit the duration of the title animation, change the color and text as you see fit. Don’t forget to subscribe to receive a new batch of fresh projects.
[After Effects version,] (https://motionarray.com/after-effects-templates/typography-titles-v2-914969) [MOGRT version,] (https://motionarray.com/motion-graphics-templates/typography-titles-v2-914972) [Premiere Pro version,] (https://motionarray.com/premiere-pro-templates/typography-titles-v2-911920) [Final Cut Pro X version.] (https://motionarray.com/final-cut-pro-templates/typography-titles-v2-934984)
Motionarray Typography Titles V2 1107649 by Tores
Từ khóa download: typography-titles-v2-1107649.zip
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